The average annual salary for a Spa Manager in Massachusetts is $77,876 as of February 1, 2025. Typical annual salaries range from $70,562 to $88,996. However, most spa managers earn between $63,904 and $99,121 per year. The average hourly rate for a spa manager is $34, with weekly earnings averaging $1,376 and monthly earnings around $5,965.
Spa manager salaries can vary significantly based on several factors, including experience level, location, and the size and type of spa.
A spa manager with less than one year of experience can expect to earn around $74,440 per year. With 2-4 years of experience, the average salary increases to about $75,846. Senior-level spa managers with 5-8 years of experience earn approximately $77,144 annually, while those with over eight years of experience can earn around $79,939.
Geographic location also significantly impacts a spa manager’s earnings. For instance, a spa manager in San Francisco, CA, earns approximately 25% more than the national average, while a spa manager in Miami, FL, earns around 3.5% less. Other high-paying cities for spa managers include Washington, D.C., and Boston, MA.
The size and type of spa also play a role in determining salary. Managers at larger, luxury spas or resort spas generally earn more than those at smaller, day spas. This is often due to increased responsibilities and higher revenue generation at larger establishments. Responsibilities can include overseeing a larger staff, managing a more complex budget, and ensuring high-end customer service.
In addition to base salary, many spa managers receive benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans. Some may also receive performance-based bonuses or profit-sharing. These additional benefits can significantly enhance overall compensation.
Spa Manager Salary Percentiles and Hourly Rate in Massachusetts.
Annual Salary | Monthly Pay | Weekly Pay | Hourly Wage |
75th Percentile | $81,798 | $6,816 | $1,573 |
Average | $71,577 | $5,965 | $1,376 |
25th Percentile | $64,855 | $5,405 | $1,247 |
Spa manager experience level and corresponding salary.
Levels | Salary |
Entry Level Spa Manager | $74,440 |
Intermediate Level Spa Manager | $74,764 |
Senior Level Spa Manager | $75,846 |
Specialist Level Spa Manager | $77,144 |
Expert Level Spa Manager | $79,939 |
Comparison of Spa Manager Salaries in Different States.
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